Who Do You Think You Are?

Who Do You Think You Are?

Lent has always been a time for the church to prepare people for baptism. The candidates would go through classes to teach them what it means to be baptized, what it means to be Christian, and then on Easter Sunday, they would go down in the water and come up a new creation.

This year, we want to take a deep look at what it means to be baptized. Each week will be a kind of baptism class that will help prepare those who have not been baptized, as well as reaffirm those that have been.

Every four years, it seems we are consumed with defining who we are based on who we vote for.  This year we want to define ourselves as something different: a Christian.

CLICK HERE to read some insights on the series and the lenten season from our good friend, Jon Middendorf.

Resonate is a Lent series following the Gospel readings for Year B.


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Lent has always been a time for the church to prepare people for baptism. The candidates would go through classes to teach them what it means to be baptized, what it means to be Christian, and then on Easter Sunday, they would go down in the water and come up a new creation.

This year, we want to take a deep look at what it means to be baptized. Each week will be a kind of baptism class that will help prepare those who have not been baptized, as well as reaffirm those that have been.

Every four years, it seems we are consumed with defining who we are based on who we vote for.  This year we want to define ourselves as something different: a Christian.

CLICK HERE to read some insights on the series and the lenten season from our good friend, Jon Middendorf.

Resonate is a Lent series following the Gospel readings for Year B.


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